Our clients trust in our ability to deliver on speed (time to hire) and quality of candidate (perfect candidate matching)... Here is why you should too.
1. Superior Candidate Sourcing. There are recruiting firms out there that literally place ads next to their clients online and wait for applicants. In order us to provide the best candidates to our clients, we assume that the people who are looking for work already have applied for that ad. Instead we reach out directly to our proprietary database of candidates and to the market of passive candidates in that role, that are too busy working for the competition to notice an Indeed posting...We have seen statistics that show that only about 30% of the job market is looking for work at any given time... That means that by placing ads alone you miss out on 70% of potential rockstar employees.
We Listen and Deliver. Low-quality recruiters will take the Job Description and send you candidates that are a partial match. That is not what we do at Estrem & Company... Our process involves an intake of the job qualifications where we listen and collaborate with our clients. We not only take your job description into account, but we also gain an understanding of how this person will impact your business and what hard and soft skills are going to be necessary for this person to make an impact for you and have the staying power to grow with your team. If you want a company to bring you stacks of resumes that we are not for you. We have an uncompromising dedication to presenting only the top candidates for our clients.
We have a process that is repeatable. From our candidate screening to our fully managed reference checks, we are able to ensure that when you speak with one of our people that you can have confidence that they are interested and qualified. We talk with their references and go the extra step to ensure that they are fully vetted and in it for the right reasons.
You don't pay unless we are successful in helping you hire. Our fees are 100% contingent upon us coming through for you.
There are thousands of recruiting companies in the world. Some established, some new... Some large and some small... Some very specific in their areas of practice and some more general. The bottom line is that if you are going to pay an agency a fee to help you make a hire they had better be providing you with something truly valuable...
We are obsessed with making sure that we provide that value every time...
Contact us today to find out more about how your company can benefit by partnering with our firm.